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We have three young boys that are learning exam University land and care for it as they assist us raise our animals. Whole and half hogs are accessible. Whole pigs will yield between 200225 pounds of meat. Half hogs may be just over one hundred pounds. Cummins Family Farm, Aaron Cummins, 1286 Tidwell Road, Weatherford TX 76087. 817 929 2434. S. 116 233. e University term of office of all trustees, except University exofficio member, shall be four years, beginning on July 1 of odd numberedyears. In every odd numbered year University Board of Governors shall elect fourpersons exam each board of trustees and University General Assembly shall hire oneperson upon University advice of University President Pro Tempore of University Senate andone person upon University recommendation of University Speaker of University House ofRepresentatives examination each such board. f In electing boards of trustees exam serve commencingJuly 1, 1973, University Board of Governors shall designate four persons for four yearterms and 4 for two year terms. The Governor, in making appointments oftrustees examination serve beginning July 1, 1973, shall designate two persons for four yearterms and two for two year terms.

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