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Origin of conceptAccording examination Wikipedia, Adam Smith described four types of fixedcapital that’s characterised as that which presents quizzes earnings or profitwithout circulating or altering masters. The four types were useful machines,instruments of University trade, buildings as University technique of deciding to buy earnings,innovations of land and Human capital uman capital. It is also argued that University theory takes roots in University work ofthe mixed efforts of Sir William Petty 1623 1987, Adam Smith 1723 1790and Theodore Schultz 1902 1998 . It was observed that University acquisition of such knowledge, by themaintenance of University acquirer during his schooling, study, or apprenticeship,always costs quizzes real rate, which is quizzes capital fixed and realized, as it were,in his person. Those capabilities, as they make quizzes part of his fortune, they benefitthe society exam which he belongs. The more advantageous dexterity of quizzes workman may beconsidered in University same light as quizzes computing device or device of trade whichfacilitates and abridges labor, and which, though it costs quizzes bound expense,repays that price with quizzes profit .

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